Saturday, April 27, 2013

Building Permit

Evangeline has informed me that there is no more room in the attic.  She has two lovely outfits en route and there isn't room for so much as a hat pin.  She has packed her bags and is checking in to the Ipswich Grand Hotel until such time as I can provide her with an appropriate abode.

I have filed for the necessary permits:

and tomorrow begins construction on the new north wing of Evangeline's Attic!  Stay tuned!


  1. Another Awesome Adventure!!! xoxox <3

  2. Very cool! Can't wait for the new extension.<3

  3. Anne-Sophie Robert (Nano)April 28, 2013 at 6:37 AM

    Evangeline is totaly right, she need a new room for her outfits!!! ;D

  4. Exciting! I love your staging. Evangeline really looks like she's taking off for a weeklong stay somewhere! Ha - probably more than a week, huh?! Can't wait to see the new place or hopefully the process of making the new place. You're so creative.
